- Every level were the same, no difference
- No music
- I didn't see were the levels getting harder or not, it just kept the same
- Dull
- Every level were the same, no difference
- No music
- I didn't see were the levels getting harder or not, it just kept the same
- Dull
There is music but there was a bug we are trying to fix that but, if you stay in a level for at least 2 to 3 minutes you should notice its getting faster because I programmed a 0.01 increase in the scrolling speed. Just note this is a beta the next version will be released shortly with the features of:
A reset button and hot key,
New dying animation a.k.a, shakes the screen when you die,
3 new levels.
and more...
Age 26, Female
Joined on 9/18/12